The Stewards

  • Lynne Paschal

    Lynne Paschal

    Trail Stewards Co-Founder and Board Secretary. Massage therapist, disgruntled USFS archeologist, citizen scientist, Stewards researcher, Mitchell Creek JDSF neighbor and cyclist.

  • Art Mielke

    Art Mielke

    Trail Stewards Co-Founder and Staff Photographer. Feral Trail Hound, sniffing out berms, the bigger the better; surfer of centrifugal forces; has been exploring the woods & trails of the Mendo world for 46 years with camera close at hand.

  • Genevieve Mullins

    Genevieve Mullins

    Forager, trail runner, hiker, gardener, and lover of the great outdoors and the Mendocino Coast.

  • Paul Schulman

    Paul Schulman

    Trail Stewards Board Co-Chair. JDSF neighbor, forest walker, musician, founding and long-time board member of the Caspar Community Center.

  • J.P. O'Brien

    JP worked for five years as an oil and gas exploration geophysicist. Seeking to transition to more environmentally oriented pursuits, he returned to school and earned a graduate certificate in applied spatial statistics and a PhD in climate and atmospheric science. He has remained a visiting scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in the climate and global dynamics laboratory as well as the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in the climate and ecosystem sciences division. His current research focuses on understanding climate change and variability in a world subject to both natural and anthropogenic forcings.

Steam Donkey Trail—photo by Isaac Fishman

Steam Donkey Trailphoto by Isaac Fishman


Because in the end you won’t remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn….

—Jack Kerouac